A quick twine inspired by my Dark Heresy tabletop campaign, and largely for its players, but if you're someone else and you stumble upon it feel free to give it a try! 

Take on the role of an Arbite on the 2000 floor-tall hive planet of Hev! 

You've been sent in to gather information and construct a report of a Hab apartment structure that's gone dark in the Underhive. It should be a routine in-and-out check, just log some bodies and any weapons. Central thinks you'll be fine alone, down this deep no one wants to pick a fight with an Arbite, and the Pincer swarms burrowing through the city have seemed to quiet down in the last few weeks...

Estimate playtime: 15-30 minutes.


May be subject to random updates if I find typos, but the functionality will stay the same.

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